Hypnotherapy for Low Self Esteem
Self-esteem is the term we use to describe how we think about ourselves. It refers to how we think, the type of person we are, our abilities and what we expect for the future.
When our self-esteem is healthy, we tend to feel good about ourselves and have a positive outlook on life in general. A high self-esteem gives us the courage and strength to deal with the ups and downs in life – without them having a long-term impact on our health and well-being.
We also tend to ‘process’ our achievements more effectively on a day-to-day basis which can keep our self-esteem ‘topped-up’ resulting in a general feeling of well-being.
However, when our self-esteem is low, our thoughts and feelings about ourselves are generally negative. We are more likely to focus on our weaknesses and be overly critical of the things we do and mistakes we’ve made. Low self-esteem means our entire outlook on life is affected. We are also less able to cope with everyday challenges.
Our relationships and physical health may also suffer. Seeking help is vital for ensuring long-term problems do not develop. Hypnotherapy for self-esteem is an increasingly popular means of treatment and support.
Self Esteem Vs Self Confidence
The terms ‘self-esteem’ and ‘self-confidence’ are often used interchangeably when we describe how we feel about ourselves. However, although self-confidence is related to self-esteem, they are two different concepts. Unlike self-esteem, self-confidence is the level of trust we have in our abilities, our sense of judgement and personal qualities.
Causes of Low Self Esteem
It is generally believed that issues with self-esteem stem from childhood. Our history and relationships with those around us – including our parents, friends and siblings – shape the opinion we have ourselves. We receive a combination of positive and negative messages as we grow up, but for some reason it tends to be the negative ones that stick. Feelings of not being good enough can continue into adulthood. In this respect low self esteem can be classified as a ‘leaned behavior’ rather than a biological fact.
- Self Worth
- Not good enough
- Learned behorior
- Negative patterns or imprints
- Illiness
- Negative beliefs
- Self blame
- Accepance
- self love
How we develop our self-esteem through adolescence can impact our future levels of self-worth. Our own natural personalities may also play a part. Some of us may possess personality traits that make us more susceptible to negative thought patterns about who we are and of our capabilities.
Traumatic life events such as abuse or serious illness can also cause self-esteem to plummet. Being forced into a physical or emotional position against your will can make it very hard to trust yourself or others. It can leave you feeling out of control and in your head you may have convinced yourself you were to blame in some way.
Signs of Low Self Esteem
Low self-esteem affects us all in different ways. There are however common signs to look out for. If a person feels like they are inadequate or unworthy, their behavior will reflect this. They act in a way that confirms they aren’t able to do things or aren’t very good, what is known as ‘confirmation bias’ – a leaning towards interpreting events in a way consistent with what we believe about ourselves.
Common indicators of low self-esteem are:
- feeling hopeless or depressed
- feeling bored with life
- having no motivation
- lack of assertiveness
- feeling overly sensitive to criticism
- believing there’s nothing to look forward to
- thinking negatively about yourself
- feeling tired a lot of the time
- feeling like a failure
Overcoming Low Self Esteem
Overcoming low self-esteem requires identifying and challenging the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Understanding how you learned them and why, can help you to unravel the significance they have in your daily life.
Taking care of your physical health, reducing stress levels and exercising can all help you build self-esteem. Taking time out for you so you can value yourself, that’s what really matters loving yourself. Allowing yourself to reach your highest potential and see what your worth is can raise your Self Esteem and make you more confident.
In addition to self-help techniques and hypnotherapy for low self esteem can be helpful.
Hypnotherapy for Low Self Esteem
Hypnosis is a relaxing and safe process that involves redirecting the attention of both the conscious and subconscious mind. The aim of hypnotherapy for low self esteem is to identify and challenge patterns of negative thinking. It also encourages positive changes through the power of suggestion.
In the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, your subconscious is more accepting of suggestions to change. By identifying your problems and goals we can help you to develop a more positive outlook on life and yourself. The primary aim is to encourage self-empowerment and reduce negative self-talk which can lead to a sustainable development of high self esteem. Hypnotherapy actual allows you to get out of your way and stay o move forward- move on to what you picture for yourself.
Call or set up a FREE Consultation with Pattie to discover the positive changes that you can make to improve your life.
What are you waiting for?

The Arizona Hypnotist
Pattie Freeman BCHT, CI
6895 E. Camelback Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
10000 Riverside Dr. #14. Toluca Lake,California 91602
All conditions that may be helped using Hypnotic Techniques also require the use of willpower. Hypnotherapy is not magic and can only help you to make changes if you have a strong desire to change and put in a maximum effort.
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