Dating Detox with Hypnotherapy

Have you ever felt lost in your relationship,  a new relationship or ongoing for years. Do you feel that you got lost somewhere in it and can’t find your way out. The men and women keep settling or staying comfortable dating pattern because change is hard to do. Red Flags might be seen or  present but they’re never seen because they feel hey are  comparing or looking at it differently but that is not so. Excuses, self sabotage, and even blocks while dating can  make a person  make that judgement. People that date have expectations they seem to drift away and it seems that self-worth and Confidence takes a vacation and they seem to overlook the signs that would normally see if they were not  dating that person.

Relationships seem hard don’t let it ruin your emotions or decisions…allow yourself to move on or work on the relationship in a new outlook. Take a different view on your dating situation. Hypnotherapy can help you not feel lost or confused. I can help you get back on track and allow yourself to be confident in all that you do

Hypnotherapy can change your dating patterns and mindset I can tell you it is easy…
DO any of these listed is how you feel
  • Lonely
  • Worthiness
  • Picking the wrong person
  • Assuming
  • Vunerable
  • Red Flags
  • Emotional
  • Hard on yourself
  • Deserve better
  • Confidence 
  • Tired of looking 
  • Comfort Zone

It really doesn’t matter who your with where you go or what you do your self sabotage yourself because you’re going to soon the negativity in that relationship.

So If you keep doing the same thing over and over again. Why not just start to live your life truly what you expect and have a happy life style, great partnership with someone who loves you for you but also complements your relationship

Dating Detox talks about why we think the way we think, we do what we do and also the reactions to the dating issues and comparing to others in the relationships. Get rid of the game players start a new chapter in your life by changing your pattern with hypnotherapy.       Looking  for Mr. or Mrs. Right is great but we have to get rid of the ones that are just for right now if you want something that has  substance for you in your life as a real partner.

Set up a appointment with Pattie for the Dating Detox Sessions.